Livery Services
Facilities include:
Enormous outdoor school with full course of aluminium jumps and fillers.
20x40m outdoor school with small course of jumps and fillers
Indoor arena with lights and jumps
All weather gallop
6 horse covered walker
3 hot wash bays and solarium
Plenty of individual turnout
Washing machine
Large stables with sliding doors and spinning mangers
Direct access onto some of the best hacking in the country without any roadwork necessary whatsoever!!
Owners and staff onsite 24/7
Training/lessons/schooling available from international rider
Tack room with fridge/freezer, microwave, sink and tea making facilities
Lots of storage
Toilet facilities
Wifi throughout the yard!
Estate manager that meticulously maintains all facilities including daily harrowing of all surfaces!

Full Livery
Included in full livery (7 Days):
Use of all facilities
Mucked out twice daily
High quality feed, ad-lib haylage and bedding
All usual 5* care even including tacking up, untacking and washing down!
Assistance for all external professionals (physio/vet/farrier etc.)
Horse put on the walker and/or turned out and brought in daily

Breaking Livery
Included in Breaking Livery:
All full livery services
All exercise requirements up to 7 days a week!
Help arranging and loading young stock for transport
Videos from start to finish
Weekly viewing appointments
Education taken as far as required all the way to competition
No horse turned away even "unbrakables"
Schooling and Competition Livery
Schooling and competition livery includes:
All full livery services
All exercise requirements up to 7 days a week
Videos and photos from start to finish
Weekly viewing appointments
Educated to any desired level
No horse turned away (problem horses welcome)
Ridden at shows/schooling (transport, entries, hire ect. not included)
Use of ice boots after jumping, competing, galloping and hacking.

Sales Livery
Included in sales livery:
All schooling livery services
Advertisement on, social media and throughout our extensive contact list of waiting clientele!

Residential and Non-Residential Training Livery
Included in training livery:
All schooling livery services
Up to 7 lessons a week with your horse
Accommodation available if required